May 29, 2009

Chapter 20-25 - To Kill a Mockingbird

This case sure is something else! I love the suspension and...just the feeling! I'm sure we're going to couldn't we? We have all the facts and evidence we need to bring that prejudiced heathen down! There is nothing I would like to see more than Mr. Ewell bein' brought to his knees before all of Maycomb. That son of a b- that cretin isn't even worth the foul words the Devil himself created. I hope that liar loses this case; them Negroes never get a break.

Gosh Calpurnia! Why did she have to come in right when it was getting good? Gosh! At least I got to eat; I was getting really hungry. I guess I'll forgive Calpurnia after all... At least I know she won't let me starve, 'cause us men need to eat our food. I need those nutrients whenever I can get them.

OH MY GOD! I CAN'T BELIEVE WE LOST! THOSE HYPOCRITES! HOW COULD THEY JUST ACT LIKE THEY'RE GONNA MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICE, AND THEN JUST BLOW IT UP IN OUR FACES! THOSE RACISTS! I feel so bad for Atticus. I know how hard he worked on this case. He defended Tom better than he would've defended a white man! Any white man would've got off the case, but they didn't ole Black Robinson, did they? I oughtta give 'em a piece of my mind. IT'S NOT FAIR! I thought we would win no problem, but we all have to face the inevitable: some people just can't put aside their personal beliefs for the sake of what's right. I appreciated it when the Blacks stood up for Atticus when he walked by; nobody else in Maycomb would have tried as hard as he did to prove Tom's innocence, and they acknowledged it regardless of the fact that he lost.

That vile, turd-brained fraud! People around the neighborhood were wondering why - if he had won the case - would he be spitting at Atticus? Well...I'll tell you why. 'Cause he's the one goin' around blaming others for his sins, and Tom was the only one he could pin them on without raising suspicion. Deep down, everyone in this here town knows that Bob's the one rapin' his girl, not a Black man. If everyone had temporarily dropped their prejudices and ruled the correct way, maybe Tom would have been shot down in pursuit of what was rightfully his; his freedom. It's mighty sad that's things had to end this way. Atticus was probably going to get him out anyway, but that's more possible than probable. I feel sorry for his wife, Helen. And he has two littluns. What was a thriving family is now a broken family.

May 20, 2009

Chapter 15-17 - To Kill a Mockingbird

I'm glad Tom was switched to the the Maycomb jail, but if he had been there in the first place, there would not have been any disputes. Now people have to adjust, and a lot of the other men are getting riled up about this whole thing. I understand that the lot of 'em are racists, but Tom is still the defendant in a court case! Even Walter Cunningham has dispelled thinking sensibly! I was also nervous when I found out that Tom was being switched, because I knew the kind of uproar it would cause. So, I prepared myself for what was to come and asked Heck Tate to back me up. Heck Tate is a fine man who is loyal to Maycomb and its citizens. I wouldn't want anyone else but him watch my back.

It scared the bejeezus out of me when I saw Scout run in. I felt even worse when Dill and Jem showed up as well. It was a very odd predicament; you have me, who's scared for the children, you have Scout, who's apparently oblivious to the hostile environment she's in, and you have Dill and Jem, who are studying every man in the room. I thought for sure the mob would eat us all alive (figuratively, not literally). The oxi-moron of the whole situation was that Scout was having a friendly everyday conversation with Walter! The way she was talking sounded like she really meant to have a friendly conversation with a hostile man! As I looked around the room, I realized everyone else was as taken aback as I was. Everyone in the room was gaping at Scout in plain amusement. It was funny how an eight-year-old encumbered an aggressive mob's advances. I was glad that Jem didn't go; he knew what would happen if he did. Those men wouldn't dare lay a hand on me with children present. I'm proud of Jem for standing by me; he's turning out to be a fine man. Scout is and always will be loyal, but Jem showed a massive amount of loyalty that night.

The court hearing is today! I'm excited, but not cheerful; those Ewells are a piece of work. I don't have to question one, but two Ewells. It's as if hell has walked through its own gates, and the Ewells were the key that unlocked it! I am so nervous, you'd think my body was having an earthquake what with all the twitching I'm doing.

Ha! I got Bob Ewell pinned right where I want him! Tate says the right side of Mayella's face was badly bruised, and Bob's left-handed! Sweet mackerel! I might actually win this impossible case. I bet my acquiescence after I pinned him scared him because when I questioned Mayella, he seemed to be on edge. I loved it when the court saw Tom's gimpy left arm, because they all started thinking 'maybe Bob really did beat his daughter'. I bet you my property that Bob did that do Mayella, and forced her to lie for him. That poor girl must be terrified of him for all he's must've done to her. I hope justice is done in this case, it's personal now.

May 17, 2009

Chapter 12-14 - To Kill a Mockingbird

I'm glad Calpurnia still took Jem and Scout to church when I wasn't there. I think it was good that they saw the black church, because I know that they'll both immediately see the difference between theirs and ours. Maybe Scout will notice another example of how the blacks are treated with far worse care than us. Scout told me she saw Zeebo, Calpurnia's son. I was surprised that Calpurnia told them he was her son; she doesn't really reveal facts about her personal life. I'm impressed by Calpurnia and Zeebo because they're included in the small group of blacks that are literate in Maycomb.

Alexandra has always been a bit bossy and judgemental, but she's taking it overboard! She's my sister and I love her to death, but my Lord! Will the woman ever stop prodding my children about their maturity? Jem has already started to mellow out on his own, partially because he's starting to go through puberty, but I think it's mostly because his eyes are adjusting. I don't mean physically, but the way his eyes see things has changed quite drastically. He asks me more serious questions now, and he doesn't like playing with Scout anymore. Scout seems to be getting along fine. She's has a head on her shoulders, and isn't afraid to use it. I'm fine with how she dresses, but I guess it's about time she started dressing like a lady. At least then Alexandra won't always be pestering her about her looks. All I want Scout to change is her aggressiveness. I understand she doesn't being bossed around or her family being made fun of, but she has to stop fighting over everything that comes up. But she has gotten better at not fighting, so there's a major improvement!

I know there are a lot of things that need to be changed around here, but Alexandra is going over the top. She may be an adult, but that doesn't make it right for her to consistently badger my children. I would tell her so myself, but I only like to argue in court. Arguing with Alexandra is like trying to take a banana from a monkey; they don't budge or subdue.

I really am tired of Jem and Scout's constant bickering, but I thought it amusing when Jem, a twelve-year-old, got beaten up by his eight-year-old sister. Those two light up my life while at the same time give me grey hairs. I wonder how many more I got when Jem told me Dill was hiding in Scout's room... I'm glad to have Dill over, but he really shouldn't have run away from his folks. They must be worried sick.

May 14, 2009

Chapter 10 and 12 - To Kill a Mockingbird

Them Finches used to be fine people, but that Atticus just lets them run wild! I kind of feel sorry for the man, his wife was a real lady. She not only was a real lady, but she was also a wonderful, loyal wife. It's so sad she had a heart attack. That woman went to heaven, I'm sure of it. If not, then I'm not a Dubose!

That Atticus sure has turned his life for the worst. He lets his kids run wild, he's defending a nigger in court, and he treats that Calpurnia like white folk. White folks ain't the same as black folks, PERIOD! I don't care how religious they are, or if they've never been accused of a crime; niggers are niggers. The sooner Atticus and his kids learn that, the better. When he walks past my house from town, he has the nerve to tip his nigger-defendin' hat at me! How dare he! If it were not for the fact that I'm old and sick, I would give him a peice of my mind.

Scout is the nastiest girl I have ever known. Even them Ewells are better! At least they know about farming and gardening. That Scout is oblivious of plants, because if she wasn't she would have stopped her idiot of a brother from destroying my Snow-on-a-Mountains! I can't believe that young man! Didn't Atticus teach him any manners? I saw the way he man-handled Scout; I know she needs a good beatin', but Jem stepped way out of line right then! It was good he came back later and apologized. I bet Atticus put him up to it, 'cause his apology was definitely not sincere. But he said he would nurse my flowers back to health, and he's gonna read to me for a month every Saturday.

The doctor said I only have a few more to live. I want to make sure I die clean. I'm tired of being a morphine addict. Jem has no clue how much him reading to me helps me, but I'm not gonna tell him that. Maybe I'll send him a gift before I'm gone...

May 11, 2009

Chapter 8 and 9 - To Kill a Mockingbird

Scout and Jem grow more like their father every day. It's so sad what happened to their mother, but Atticus seems to be getting along fine. Scout may not dress like a lady, but she sure is as well-mannered as one. It was kind of odd that Scout started showin' up at my house, when we were basically just acquainted with each other before. But I understand; she's being booted out by the boys, and there are no girls she would want to play with in the neighborhood, so she comes to me.

I know what Scout wants to know about Athur is good natured, but I'm still debating on how much I should tell her. That girl has a mouth on 'er, and isn't afraid to use it. Scout's a good kid though. I think I'm gonna have to hold back on this whole sharin' time about Arthur; it's none of her business what his secrets are. I don't mean to point fingers, but I bet it's Scout and 'em that have been sneakin' around the Radley house. I heard Atticus yellin' at them about it, but I didn't want to make any assumptions; everyone seems to think it's a Negro sneaking through his yard. If it is a Negro, if I were him I'd stop snooping around the Radley place; Nathan said the next time he would shoot right at whatever was in his patch. I'm perplexed by who in their right mind would go around the Radleys at night; everyone in town is either a "Boo" fanatic or Nathan's shotgun, so it makes no sense why someone would willingly go over there.

I can't believe my house caught on fire! I wonder what happened... Thank God for it though, I hated that cow barn. I'll entrust the dirt to blend in with the ashes, so my yard doesn't look so bad. It's surprising the adjacent homes barely burned. I'm sorry about the Finch's place, but it barely took a beating. That Atticus sure is a nice man; he saved my beloved rocking chair. He's doin' all right with those kids, and that Calpurnia sure is helpful to his family. Calpurnia is the best darn Negro I gone ever met! She cooks wonderfully, she makes sure the children don't get into mischief, and she knows how to read! It's not often you come across a Negro who can read.

Jem is a good boy, but his ingenuous schemes to get Arthur out of the house tire me. I know he doesn't mean to pester him, but anyone would get tired of having children crawling around their house. If Arthur had wanted to come out, he would have done so a long time ago. I personally don't think someone should isolate themselves from the rest of humanity, but it would be hard for him if he did come out. Everyone in Maycomb is so judgemental and feet-washing religious; you can't step out of line once and have it be forgotten. Why, I remember Arthur when he was a young boy! He was quite nice to me, and was raised properly; he just made bad decisions that ended up ruining his life. Gang banging is not the ideal lifestyle his father had pictured for him; he had wanted him to pursue the profession that would provide him the money he needed to start and support a family. Evidently, that lifestyle was not fulfilled...

I absolutely do not enjoy snow. It's pretty, but it ruins my plants. I hate having to warm the plants and tryin' got revive them when I know they're long gone. I work hours on end every day on my garden, and it ends up gettin ruined by a fire, and the snow! Bless-ed!

May 10, 2009

Chapter 4-7 - To Kill a Mockingbird

Thank the Lord school is over! I hated sittin' in that mindless classroom with those kids. Some of 'em were okay, but most of 'em were dirty. I know Atticus says to not judge those that aren't as fortunate as me, but they smell like like they never showered. Not as bad as them Ewells though. Hopefully one of 'em ain't in the second grade; I only met one, and I wanna keep it that way.

I can't wait until Dill gets here! Considerin' we're "engaged", I should be sweeter to him. Sometimes he just gets on my nerves though. He and Jem are always making me feel bad and making me go off by myself. What's up with them this year? Last summer, the three of us were inseparable, but now it's like it's just the two of 'em...

I like playing the "Boo Radley game, because we can add our own twist to it. Jem does a good job of Boo though, the way he walks all decrepit. Dill does a great job! No matter who we say he's supposed to be, he does a good job of interpretin' that person. He even shows their physical characteristics. Even though he's a mighty small boy, he can make himself look bigger'n Jem.

When Atticus caught us that one day, I knew we shouldn't play our game anymore. But no...Jem had to keep on goin'. So of course he hatches a plan to stick a letter in the Radley place's window. At first I thought it might work, but then the fishing pole wouldn't reach the window and the letter got all torn up. I told them we should stop, but them boys just don't listen to us girls no more, and of course Atticus catches us. So I ended up getting in trouble because of dumb Jem! I wanted to tell him I told him so, but I didn't want to get Atticus any more upset than he already was.

Jem is the stupidest person I gone ever known! I can't believe that, once again, I have fallen into one of his and Dill's schemes! I gotta stop doin' that! They must've known I was gonna want to know what they were whispering about, and them resistin' just made me want to prove them wrong even more. So at night, we went over to the Radley place to look in the windows. We went the back way, through they're patch. Jem went up the stairs to get a better look, and Mr. Nathan came out and shot at us! I'll bet Mr. High-and-mighty Jem almost pissed in his britches, 'cause I sure as hell almost did! I have never in my life seen Jem run so fast. He held up the gate for me and Dill, but when he tried to get through, his pants got snagged on the gate. So Dill slipped out of his pants and we got away. That sure was a close one!

I wonder who's been puttin' all of those treats in that tree. That gum sure did taste good though; I love mint. Jem tried to tell me to spit it out, but I had already been chewin' it quite some time, so I didn't see the point. I didn't feel any sick, and I didn't die...but I spat it out anyway because he threatened to tell Calpurnia. I didn't feel like a spanking anyway. Those soap figures was nice. Whoever made them is a mighty fine artist. Jem was gonna tell me who he thought made them, but he decided not to. It's frustrating when he keeps stuff from me.

May 2, 2009

Chapter 1-3 - To Kill a Mockingbird

That Scout sure is somethin' else. She never listens, and she's constantly getting me all worked up. Hopefully that'll all change when she gets older n' gets her head screwed on right. Scout makes me so stressed, I'm surprised my hair hasn't gone completely grey yet. But she needs someone to point her in the right direction, what with school 'n everything. I know I'm hard on her, but I'm not going to let Scout grow up to be a soft little gal that can't think for herself. I'm gonna make sure that don't ever happen. There's already too many of them people that think they can get or do whatever we want. God forbid that happens to Scout.

I thought I would be happy now that Scout's gone off to school, 'cause then I would finally have some peice and quiet around the house. But I'm just too used to poppin' a blood vessel screamin' at that girl. The house was too quiet. I got very lonesome. I was happy when Scout and Jem came home for lunch! I had missed them both so much! I was happy to see that Scout had made a friend at school. What was his name...oh yeah, Walter. I feel sorry for that boy, him bein' poor and all. It was nice that Scout and Jem thought to invite him for lunch; we don't get company that often. Scout needs to learn how to shut her dang mouth though! My goodness! She embarrassed poor Walter; you should never point out others' misfortunes, it's rude. When I told to treat everyone with the same respect, she had the nerve to say, "he's just a Cunningham." It don't matter if your guest is rich or poor, they're still a guest! Scout knows better than to judge others.

I know Scout's mad at me 'cause I taught her to read and write, but I don't want her growin' up to be illiterate. I don't think them white teachers teach everything. It never hurts to be a little ahead. I'd rather have Scout go to school with pre-knowledge, than have to build it around kids that don't care. Them Ewell kids are nasty. Thank God they only go the first day of school. They might distract my Scout! Anyway, Scout already knowing how to read got her a whipping on her first day of school; I wanna make it up to her. I know she's down, but she's got to go back to school.