Gosh Calpurnia! Why did she have to come in right when it was getting good? Gosh! At least I got to eat; I was getting really hungry. I guess I'll forgive Calpurnia after all... At least I know she won't let me starve, 'cause us men need to eat our food. I need those nutrients whenever I can get them.
OH MY GOD! I CAN'T BELIEVE WE LOST! THOSE HYPOCRITES! HOW COULD THEY JUST ACT LIKE THEY'RE GONNA MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICE, AND THEN JUST BLOW IT UP IN OUR FACES! THOSE RACISTS! I feel so bad for Atticus. I know how hard he worked on this case. He defended Tom better than he would've defended a white man! Any white man would've got off the case, but they didn't ole Black Robinson, did they? I oughtta give 'em a piece of my mind. IT'S NOT FAIR! I thought we would win no problem, but we all have to face the inevitable: some people just can't put aside their personal beliefs for the sake of what's right. I appreciated it when the Blacks stood up for Atticus when he walked by; nobody else in Maycomb would have tried as hard as he did to prove Tom's innocence, and they acknowledged it regardless of the fact that he lost.
That vile, turd-brained fraud! People around the neighborhood were wondering why - if he had won the case - would he be spitting at Atticus? Well...I'll tell you why. 'Cause he's the one goin' around blaming others for his sins, and Tom was the only one he could pin them on without raising suspicion. Deep down, everyone in this here town knows that Bob's the one rapin' his girl, not a Black man. If everyone had temporarily dropped their prejudices and ruled the correct way, maybe Tom would have been shot down in pursuit of what was rightfully his; his freedom. It's mighty sad that's things had to end this way. Atticus was probably going to get him out anyway, but that's more possible than probable. I feel sorry for his wife, Helen. And he has two littluns. What was a thriving family is now a broken family.
1 comment:
The way you talk as scout is really good in this posting. I like how you say that you are mad at cal but you still will end up forgiving her.This was a really good post.
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