September 24, 2008

Lord of the Flies, Chapter 6

Beast from Air

Rave On, Rave On

I am tired of all this beast nonsense. I used to think it was all gibberish, but when I saw Sam 'n Eric screaming and flailing about how they saw the beast, I had no doubt that the beast was real. Even though I now believe in the beast, that does not mean I am not tired of the beast. This interminable query of whether or not the beast is real has finally come to an end. No more, "I could have sworn I saw it", and "I thought I heard it behind me." Now that we are certain that the beast does live, we now know that we have to keep an eye out and periodically go beast-hunting. That I am looking forward to.

Ralph got a little bit too waxy about the whole beast thing. I know that he is just trying to look after everybody, but it is time for action, not strategy. And I swear, almost the first thing out of Ralph’s mouth had to do with the signal fire and how we have to make sure it is still going. Do you know how tired I am of that? “How’s the fire Jack; check on the fire Jack; why’d you let the fire out Jack?” I am on the verge of insanity. Sometimes I just want to strangle Ralph, and hold on ‘til he stops breathing. And of course fat, old Piggy has to stand up for Ralph, because Ralph is his “buddy”. I do way more than Piggy has done in his entire fat life, but Piggy is the one who gets the attention and sympathy. Does Jack get any? Of course not! ‘Cause the only things Jack has done is catch a stupid pig for all these losers and search the entire island so we will all feel “safe and sound”. I do all of this bloody work and get no credit, thanks, or congrats for it. All that I get is getting treated like the guano on these boulders. I would much rather take my choir and leave these pathetic girls instead of putting up with their crap, but I am too embroiled with what our plans are. And there is no way that I am going to let Ralph of all people, have all of the responsibility and power for himself.

I cannot wait until we find that beast. I just want to rip out its throat, and throw its head against the rocks. Before I start imagining my glorious victory, I should think about what I am going to do before, during, and after the battle between "good and evil". I am almost certain that Ralph thinks of me as evil, so he might confuse me with the monster. But at least I will end up being the winning man. I wish that we would hurry up and find this monster though, because just thinking about our encounter is making me giddy.

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