A View to a Death
R.I.P. Simon, R.I.P.
I know I'm supposed to hate Jack's guts and everything, but I miss the taste of that tender yet thick meat. I hate myself for giving in to such a desire, but I am sick and tired of these freaking berries! There, I SAID IT! I would much rather eat Jack's pork than the littluns stupid berries! I could tell that Piggy thought the same thing. When I looked at Piggy, all I could see was this big, corpulent body gnawing on a piece of pork. At least Jack can't read my mind. I don't want to give him the satisfaction of knowing that I prefer meat (which he provides) instead of berries. I must admit, that pork sure was good.R.I.P. Simon, R.I.P.
I understand Jack still being angry at me for what I said about the hunters and him, but why did he let me eat some of the pig he caught? He let me eat his meat, but then he was sour towards me. Why not just tell me to go back to where I came from? I don't get it. Jack confuses me. One minute he is Mr. Hospitable, and the next he is Mr. Get-off-my-property! He has got to make up his mind. Am I a friend or a foe?
I can't believe they killed Simon. That was horrible. They just kept on beating and beating until they couldn't beat anymore. Man...that was just sick. I know that it was raining hard and they got way too caught up in their "game", but how the hell do you mistake a boy for a beast? MY GOD! THE BLASPHEMY OF THIS PREDICAMENT IS...IS...WELL JUST PLAIN RETARDED! Who in the world mistakes a freakin' talking boy for a ravenous beast? Apparently those dodo birds. Goodness. I feel so sorry for Simon. It's sad enough that he died, but the fact that he was beaten to death is unbearable. Thank goodness he died so quickly. It would have been horrible to watch the poor kid suffer. I sure do hope that he sees the phosphorescence of the lights of heaven. May his soul rest in peace.
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